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Poster Presentation

Guidelines for Poster Presentation

>>>> Click here to Download Poster Presentation template / format

Key Dates
  • October 3,4,5 2024 – DPHICON 2024 – 3rd Annual International Public Health Conference 2024 at Maharaja mahal , Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu
  • 25-09-2024 - Deadline for submission of the final soft copy of the poster.
  • Specifications for Poster Presentation Material : Vinyl.
  • Size : 4x3 ft.

Poster presentations will take place on two days of the conference. The presentations will take place in the annexe hall at the conference venue. The poster presentation is to be done with printed posters. There will be no electronic poster presentation. Space and displaying facilities will be allotted for each of the poster and will be intimated.

Overview: Poster Presentations of Scientific Papers

A well-prepared poster of a scientific paper is a summary account of a study that includes only the data that supports the key findings and the conclusions of these findings. Focus on the data that support your main findings and conclusions.

1. General Outline of the Poster
  • A poster can provide a visual summary of scientific projects and generate active discussion with conference delegates on an individual basis.
  • A poster should be self-explanatory, allowing different viewers to proceed on their own while the author is free to supplement or discuss particular points raised in enquiry.

2. Simplicity is key
  • The presentation should discuss the poster but should not be used to introduce new findings or information.
  • Keep to the point.
  • Present only enough data to support your conclusions.
  • This poster will contain high-level points, and if the viewer would like more information, they can strike up a conversation or visit the full abstract

3. Design and Layout Specifications

  • Use the template provided to make the poster.
  • Remember that posters do not need to fill the entire working area of the display boards. If posters are larger than the specified measurements, they will not fit.
  • The title, author and co-author’s names, and FETP affiliation should be positioned at top-centre of the board as given in the template.
  • Leave some open space in the design. An open layout is less tiring to the eye and mind.

4. Lettering (Font):
  • Lettering (font) in the body of the poster should be readable from 2 meters away. Do not use fonts smaller than 18 points.
  • Lettering for the title should be readable from 10 meters. Use font size provided in the template for better visibility.
  • For titles, capitalize the first letter of each main word (nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs). Apply this to the poster title and titles of tables, graphs, charts, pictures, and maps. Writing in all capital letters should be reserved for acronyms and other abbreviations.
  • Use “Sans Serif” fonts for all lettering. Examples of sans serif fonts include Arial, Tahoma, Microsoft Sans Serif, and Trebuchet.

5. Visuals :
  • Present numerical data in the form of graphs, charts, or simple tables.
  • Visuals should be simple and bold. Leave out unnecessary details.
  • Make sure that any visual can “stand-alone” (i.e., graph axes are properly labelled, maps have north arrows and distance scales, symbols are explained, etc.).
  • Use colour to enhance comprehension, not to decorate the poster.
  • Make sure that the text and the visuals are integrated. Figures should be numbered consecutively according to the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. Each visual should have a brief title (for example Figure 1 – Location of the study area).
  • The new template will only allow you to share a few tables and figures – please select the most relevant to your key statement.

6. Inserting Key Thesis Statement :
  • In this section of the poster, you will insert the single most important idea or take away message from the work being presented. The statement will stand as a point of reference for your entire study. It will also help attendees to digest information more effectively and walk away from your poster with a clear understanding of the core argument.
  • An example to follow to write your thesis is the “SOCO” method which stands for Single Overriding Communication Objective. The SOCO is described with: “What is the ONE message you want the audience to take away from this study?” That is your main sentence.

7. Text:
  • Keep the text brief. Avoid long blocks of text. Use bullet points if possible. Use text to (a) introduce the study (what hypothesis was tested or what problem was investigated? Why was the study worth doing?), (b) explain visuals and direct viewers’ attention to significant data trends and relationships, and (c) state/explain the interpretations that follow from the data.
  • Avoid presenting numerical data in bulleted lists or buried in the text. Use tables and graphics.
  • Cite and reference any sources of information other than your own, just as you would do with a research paper. The “References Cited” is placed at the end of the poster.

8. Preparing, saving and sharing the poster::
  • The poster can be prepared using the slide template provided
  • Once the poster is designed, it can be saved and labelled with Abstract number and the Name of the presenter (Ex: 56-Kavitha).
  • The same may be emailed to by 30th November 2023.

All the abstracts accepted for oral and poster presentation will be compiled in a form of a book and released during the conference.

The same may be emailed to